The heart of Salzburg’s World Heritage Site 

Over 10 years have passed since the DomQuartier was founded, bringing to life the historic centre of political and ecclesiastical power in Salzburg in a way that allows visitors to see it through the eyes of the prince-archbishops. Over centuries, the Residenz, Cathedral and Archabbey shaped the Town and the Province of Salzburg to form an emblematic unity reflected in its architecture.


Dr. Andrea Stockhammer, Director of the DomQuartier: “Today, visitors – as once only the prince-archbishop and the favoured few – can move freely between the domains: from the secular splendour of the Residenz with the narrative paintings showing deeds of Alexander the Great, to the ecclesiastical sphere of the Cathedral and the Archabbey.

With the end of the ecclesiastical principality in 1803, the unity formed by Residenz, Cathedral and Archabbey became obsolete. More than 200 years later, the structural barriers that had appeared in the meantime were, in both senses, broken open, and a unique museum tour created.”


DomQuartier Salzburg 

Over 400 years ago, the Salzburg prince-archbishops began to transform the town into an Italian-style Baroque gem. They created a masterpiece of urban design, which is today a UNESCO World Heritage site.

The prince-archbishops’ absolutist rule claimed control over both “heavenly and earthly” matters. The building complex consisting of Residenz and Cathedral was the outward
expression of this universal spiritual and secular power. In 1803, secularisation closed the connecting doors.

Installation of the DomQuartier restored the original architectural unity of the Cathedral and Residenz precinct, also including the Benedictine monastery of St Peter’s and thus creating an internationally unique museum project.

The DomQuartier tour affords a unique survey of 1,300 years of political domination, art, music and architecture. It takes the visitor through the state rooms in the Residenz, the former official residence of the prince-archbishops, to the Residenzgalerie, with its collection of 16th – 19th-century European painting. The terrace on the Cathedral arcade links the secular with the ecclesiastical centre, the Cathedral, and offers a breathtaking view over the Old Town.

A curved staircase leads into the interior of the magnificent monumental early baroque Cathedral. Viewed from the organ gallery, the interior is revealed in its full glory. The rooms in the North Oratory, elaborately decorated with early baroque stucco, are used to hold temporary exhibitions.

The Cathedral museum in the South Oratory houses the Cathedral treasure as well as paintings and sculptures, dating from Gothic to Baroque, from the Cathedral and churches belonging to the archdiocese.

Through the Cabinet of Curiosities and the Long Gallery of St Peter’s Abbey we arrive in St Peter’s Museum, which displays art treasures from the extensive collections of the Archabbey, the oldest monastery in the Germanspeaking world.


2024: 10th anniversary

The heart of Salzburg’s World Heritage Site celebrates its 10th anniversary


Celebrate ten years of DomQuartier Salzburg with us!

Subject of the exhibition “The colours of la Serenissima“, Paolo Veronese, Judith with the Head of Holofernes

Taking Salzburg as the hub of a network of the prince-archbishops’ international relations, we narrate the underlying (hi)stories of success, failure and adventure.

This year, too, we will celebrate festivals, experience music and offer exhibitions. A special focus will be placed on the longstanding intensive relations between Salzburg and Venice.

The guest appearance by the Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum with important Venetian masterpieces from the former imperial collections is the first of its kind in Salzburg. The “The Colours of La Serenissima” brings together all the top stars in Salzburg, including Titian, Veronese, Tintoretto and Giorgione.

We are looking forward to the Salzburg Museum’s presentation in the North Oratory which shows places of worship, belonging to diverse confessions and dating from ancient times up to the 19th century. The selection of works follows the routes taken by Hubert Sattler, showing his personal interests.

Last but not least, the Cathedral Museum is celebrating its 50th anniversary and offering insights into the history of its collections.

We wish you inspiring encounters and look forward to your visit to the DomQuartier Salzburg!


Anniversary year 2024: event highlights

  • 9 March 2024: Start of exhibition: Sacred Places – Views by Hubert Sattler (8 March 2024 – 6 January 2025), Salzburg Museum – guest exhibition
  • 6 April 2024: Anniversary of the founding of the Cathedral Museum: The Cathedral Museum is 50, day of action
  • 18 April 2024: World Heritage Day, presentation of the digital 3D demonstration of the building history of the DomQuartier
  • 11 May 2024: 10th anniversary of the DomQuartier, Open Day (programme at the end of the press folder)
  • 21 June 2024: Start of the exhibition The Colours of La Serenissima: Venetian Masterworks from Titian to Canaletto (21 June 2024 – 24 January 2025) Guest presentation by the Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum
  • 20 July 2024: Gala for the opening of the Summer Festival
  • 31 August 2024: Venetian celebration for the exhibition The Colours of La Serenissima and the anniversary of the DomQuartier
  • 7 and 8 November 2024: Public convention devoted to the relations between Salzburg and Venice, in connection with the exhibition The Colours of La Serenissima (with a concert on the evening of 7 November).