Violetter Balken



Friday, 21. 6. 2024 till Monday, 6. 1. 2025 | Residenzgalerie

The colours of la Serenissima. Venetian masterpieces from Titian to Canaletto

In its 10th anniversary year, the DomQuartier presents in the Residenzgalerie the first guest appearance of the Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum in Salzburg. The comprehensive exhibition tells the extraordinary success story of Venetian painting from Renaissance to Rococo. Looked at together with individual examples of other art genres, it gives a multi-faceted picture of Venetian art production.

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Friday, 8. 3. 2024 till Monday, 3. 2. 2025 | North oratory

Sacred Places – Views by Hubert Sattler (1817–1904)

As part of the exhibition series "Salzburg Museum - Guest Performance". While Johann Michael Sattler created views of the city and country of Salzburg, his son Hubert Sattler brought back impressions from his travels around the world, which he translated into large-format works in oil.

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Permanent exhibition

A Visit to the Prince-Archbishops – State Rooms of the Residenz Palace

Over the course of centuries, the Residenz Palace in Salzburg served the Prince-Archbishops as their representative seat. Even during the Baroque era, the city palace of the Prince-Archbishops was among the most impressive representational buildings in the German-language region.

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Artistic Treasures of the Archdiocese of Salzburg – Cathedral Museum

The upper Oratories of the Salzburg Cathedral, some of which were formerly used as chapels, have housed the Cathedral and Diocese Museum since 1974, uniting artworks from1300 years of Salzburg church history.

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Museum of St. Peter’s Abbey

The valuable art treasures collected by the Archabbey of St. Peter and exhibited in the Long Gallery and the Museum depict the history of the oldest monastery in the German-language region.

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DomQuartier Übersichts-Karte