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Meinrad Guggenbichler, Werkstatt/Workshop

Guggenbichler’s training has not yet been documented. He presumably trained in the workshop of his brother Johann Michael in Dillingen, and is first documented as a sculptor in a church invoice dated 1675 for the high altar in Strasswalchen. He worked mainly in the border region between Upper Austria and Salzburg. In 1678 he bought a house in Mondsee, where he was sculptor to the monastery and ran a workshop for wood sculpture and wax-work. His journeymen included Matthias Salviani, Johann Georg Beirle, David Hell and Franz Ferdinand Ertinger. He married Catharina Aitenpichler in 1679; one of their nine children was the sculptor Johann Meinrad.

Author: Ducke Astrid

Literature: Ducke Astrid, Habersatter Thomas (Hrsg./Edi.): von | from 0 auf | to 100. Residenzgalerie Salzburg 1923-2023. Salzburg 2023, S./p. 310


Angel, 1692

Meinrad Guggenbichler, Werkstatt/Workshop

Inv. no. 511


Angel, 1692

Meinrad Guggenbichler, Werkstatt/Workshop

Inv. no. 510