Parnassus, Painting after Raphael (1483 – 1520), Stanza della Segnatura, from 1509, Fresco, Vatican Palace, Rome, 1776
Nicola Bonvicini (Buonvicini)
Inv. no. 652
School of Athens, Painting after Raphael (1483 – 1520), Stanza della Segnatura, from 1509, Fresco, Vatican Palace, Rome, 1776
Nicola Bonvicini (Buonvicini)
Inv. no. 653
Lunette: Virtues: Fortitude (Fortitudo), Prudence (Prudentia), Temperance (Temperantia), bottom left: Handing over of the Pendects (Corpus iuris civilis) to Emperor Justinian, bottom right: Handing of the Decretals (Corpus iuris canonici) to Pope Gregory IX., Painting after Raphael (1483 – 1520), Stanza della Segnatura, from 1509, Fresco, Vatican Palace, Rome, 1776
Nicola Bonvicini (Buonvicini)
Inv. no. 654
Disputation of the Sacrament, Painting after Raphael (1483 – 1520), Stanza della Segnatura, from 1509, Fresco, Vatican Palace, Rome, 1776
Nicola Bonvicini (Buonvicini)
Inv. no. 655
Holy Family with St Elizabeth and the Child John, between 1642 - 1652
Sébastien Bourdon
Inv. no. 278