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Frans Snyders, Nachfolge/follower (1579 - 1657)

Flemish painter Frans Snyders is known for his high-quality animal paintings and fruit still lifes. He trained in Antwerp with Pieter Brueghel the Younger and Hendrik van Balen. In 1602 he joined the Antwerp painters’ guild. He spent the year 1608 in Italy. In 1609, having returned to his home town, he married the sister of two colleagues, Cornelis and Paul de Vos; the latter worked together with Jan Fijt in Snyders’ workshop. In their large-scale works, even Peter Paul Rubens and Jacob Jordaens sometimes referred to the Flemish master in their painting of still lifes and animals.

Author: Habersatter Thomas

Literature: Ducke Astrid, Habersatter Thomas (Hrsg./Edi.): von | from 0 auf | to 100. Residenzgalerie Salzburg 1923-2023. Salzburg 2023, S./p. 332

Parrots (scarlet macaw, grey parrot and toucan)

Parrots (scarlet macaw, grey parrot and toucan), c 1650/1670

Frans Snyders, Nachfolge/follower

Inv. no. 658