Jan Davidsz. de Heem (1606 - 1683/84)
Jan’s works are among the highlights of stilllife painting. He worked in Utrecht, and between 1626 and 1629 in Leiden. In 1637 he became a burgher of Antwerp. Trained as he was in Utrecht flower-painting, monochrome Haarlem banketjes, Leiden vanitas still-lifes, and not least in Flemish painting, his work is of prime importance in the history of the development of the Dutch still life. Father and teacher of Cornelis de Heem (p 78), he combined Dutch interest in the nature and properties of things with Flemish baroque display of splendour. Initially, he was oriented towards the Haarlem style of monochrome “breakfast” still-life painting; after 1640 he painted mainly sumptuous still lifes.
Author: Oehring Erika
Literature: DUCKE Astrid, HABERSATTER Thomas, OEHRING Erika: Masterworks. Residenzgalerie Salzburg. Salzburg 2015, S. 44