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Pietro della Vecchia (1602/03 - 1678)

The painter, who also signs his paintings “Pietro Vecchia”, came from an old Venetian family. His father Gasparo was a member of the local painters’ guild. He received his training in the workshop of Il Padovanino (1588–1649), an artist between late Mannerism and early Baroque, who introduced him to 16th century Venetian painting, particularly that of Titian (1488/1490–1576), his student Paris Bordone (1500–1571), and Giorgione (1478–1510), and taught him Roman Baroque. There is no clear evidence that della Vecchia spent time in Rome.

Author: Habersatter Thomas

Literature: DUCKE Astrid, HABERSATTER Thomas, OEHRING Erika: Masterworks. Residenzgalerie Salzburg. Salzburg 2015, S. 30

Warrior in Armour, drawing his Sword

Warrior in Armour, drawing his Sword, c 1650

Pietro della Vecchia

Inv. no. 313