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Umkreis/Around Caspar von Friesach (1519-1526 nachgewiesen/documented)

According to the Residenzgalerie’s 1927 inventory, this late Gothic altar came from the succursal church of St. Gertraud near Mauterndorf. Purchased from the parish of Mauterndorf in 1925, it originally bore the inv. no. 6. The two coats of arms on the predella refer to the magistrate of the cathedral chapter in Mauterndorf, Leonhard Kölderer (c 1495) and his wife (unknown), enabling an initial dating. The robes are reminiscent of the Italian proto-classic period, the form of presentation resembles that of Meister Heinrich, who had a workshop in Villach around 1505–1525, where Caspar von Friesach may have trained around 1505.

Author: Habersatter Thomas

Literature: Ducke Astrid, Habersatter Thomas (Hrsg./Edi.): von | from 0 auf | to 100. Residenzgalerie Salzburg 1923-2023. Salzburg 2023, S./p. 304

Small winged altar with crucifixion group

Small winged altar with crucifixion group, c 1510/15

Umkreis/Around Caspar von Friesach

Inv. no. 505