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Dachstein with Lake Hallstatt

Franz Steinfeld (1787 - 1868)

Dachstein with Lake Hallstatt
Picture size 55.20 x 43.90 cm
Framesize 74.50 x 63.70 x 7.20 cm
F. Steinfeld (signed bottom right)
Currently not in the exhibition
Austria 19th century
© Residenzgalerie Salzburg, Illustration Fotostudio Ulrich Ghezzi, Oberalm

Franz Steinfeld’s "View of Lake Hallstatt" (1824; collection of the Province of Lower Austria, inv. no. KS-5862) is generally considered the “birth” of realistic landscape. Various versions of Lake Hallstatt and the Salzkammergut appear in his œuvre.
In "Dachstein with Lake Hallstatt", he dispenses with the village itself, choosing a very restricted view with steep, dark cliffs, crystal-clear water and the Dachstein as background view. The effect of the mountains, reflected in multiple hues in the shimmering water, and the transparent clarity of the water are achieved by means of glazes thinly applied on a smoothly grounded wooden panel. A picture of contemplation and repose, this painting lends unspectacular expressiveness to the beauty of the wild, romantic landscape with mountains and lake; without idealising, it attempts to render the view as close to nature as possible.

Habersatter Thomas: Franz Steinfeld, Dachstein with Lake Hallstatt. In: Ducke Astrid, Thomas Habersatter (Hg./Ed.): Stadt · Land · Berg. Salzburg und seine Umgebung/Town · Landscape · Mountain. Salzburg and surroundings. Residenzgalerie Salzburg. Salzburg 2022, S./p. 146-147