Family Concert (The man drawing on the left is probably a self-portrait)
Constantijn Daniel à oder/or van Renesse (1626 - 1680)
Framesize 179.50 x 144.00 x 8.00 cm
Only seven paintings are attributed to Renesse; he probably abandoned his career with paintbrush and etching needle in 1653, when he took up the post of town clerk Eindhoven. The "Family Concert" is dated two years previously. The man drawing on the left is thought to be a self-portrait; this assumption is borne out by Aert Schoman’s print "Detail van een schilderij met het zelfportret van Constantijn Daniël à Renesse" in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam (inv. no. RP-T-1897-A-3484), which shows only the draughtsman and is inscribed: "A. S. 1782 / dit geteekent uit een groot famielje stuk / van 7 [sic! 5] figuiren. Constant A.S. / Renessen [...] 1651/ denke dit pourtret van / de schilder is. was in de maniere Rembrandt". The group consists of the draughtsman, a lady at an Italian harpsichord, a young man with a flute and, standing behind them, another young man and an older man.
Ducke Astrid: Constntijn Daniel à or van Renesse, Family Concert (The man drawing on the left is probably a self-portrait), in: Ducke Astrid, Habersatter Thomas (Hrsg./Edi.): von | from 0 auf | to 100. Residenzgalerie Salzburg 1923-2023. Salzburg 2023, S./p. 200-201